
verifying the absolute value function

my friend artjom and i have been trying to verify randy bryant's bit twiddling hacks. starting with the absolute value function.

the bithack is defining the absolute value of an signed integer x as x^m + ~m + 1 where m = x >> 31.

verification by pen & paper šŸ¤­

we attempted to prove this on pen an paper to observer the mechanisms of how it works. m will be -1 in the negative case (which is 32 bits of 1s) and 0 in the positive case (32 bits of 0s). when you xor with x, the negative case flips the bits, and positive case keeps the bits -- i.e. if x < 0 then x^m = ~x and if x >= 0 then x^m = x. if x is negative it's then just performing twos compliment (flip the bits of x and add 1), we already have flipped the bits with x^m and ~m is equal to 0 (flipping 32 bits of 1s) and then we add 1. in the positive case we essentially add a -1 (flipping all the bits of 0) followed by a 1.

here are some of the things we learned/relearned:

we kinda wanted to do better than just a paper proof, one idea we had was to come up with a sat encoding of the problem -- i.e. come up with formulas for each bit (b_31, b_30, ... , b_1, b_0) in their boolean logic form, and a sat formula saying that the boolean logic encoding of the bits using the hack is the same as the boolean logic encoding for just multiplying by -1 if it's negative and keeping the same bit if it's positive.

we had some meta questions about verification here, some of which were just us brainfarting:

verification using CBMC

CBMC is a model checker for C programs, it takes C programs and transforms them into equations -- using techniques like SSA, loop unrolling, symbolic execution -- before feeding them into solvers.


The following C program has a reference implementation and another that uses the non-branching bit version. CBMC can check if the two abs implementions produce the same results for all unsigned integers.

int abs_ref(int x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }

int abs_bits(int x) {
  int m = x >> 31;
  return (x ^ m) + ~m + 1;

int main() {
  int t = nondet_int();
  int ar = abs_ref(t);
  int ab = abs_bits(t);
  __CPROVER_assert(ar == ab, "Err: abs_bits does not return the same value as abs_ref");

the result from running an automated tool like that of a model checker are not that exciting, maybe counter examples produced are more interesting to look at. anyways running the following command cbmc abs.c will produce

CBMC version 5.12 (cbmc-5.12) 64-bit x86_64 linux
Parsing abs.c
Type-checking abs
Generating GOTO Program
Adding CPROVER library (x86_64)
Removal of function pointers and virtual functions
Generic Property Instrumentation
Running with 8 object bits, 56 offset bits (default)
Starting Bounded Model Checking
size of program expression: 54 steps
simple slicing removed 5 assignments
Generated 1 VCC(s), 1 remaining after simplification
Passing problem to propositional reduction
converting SSA
Running propositional reduction
Solving with MiniSAT 2.2.1 with simplifier
565 variables, 1571 clauses
SAT checker: instance is UNSATISFIABLE
Runtime decision procedure: 0.00408032s

** Results:
abs.c function main
[main.assertion.1] line 16 Err: abs_bit did not return the same value as abs_ref: SUCCESS

** 0 of 1 failed (1 iterations)

thinking that verification conditions might be a useful thing to look at, i ran cbmc --show-vcc abs.c and got back some...

incomprehensible output
CBMC version 5.12 (cbmc-5.12) 64-bit x86_64 linux
Parsing abs.c
Type-checking abs
Generating GOTO Program
Adding CPROVER library (x86_64)
Removal of function pointers and virtual functions
Generic Property Instrumentation
Running with 8 object bits, 56 offset bits (default)
Starting Bounded Model Checking
size of program expression: 54 steps
simple slicing removed 5 assignments
Generated 1 VCC(s), 1 remaining after simplification

file abs.c line 16 function main
Err: abs_bit did not return the same value as abs_ref
{-1} __CPROVER_alloca_object#1 = NULL
{-2} __CPROVER_dead_object#1 = NULL
{-3} __CPROVER_deallocated#1 = NULL
{-4} __CPROVER_malloc_is_new_array#1 ā‡” false
{-5} __CPROVER_malloc_object#1 = NULL
{-6} __CPROVER_malloc_size#1 = 0
{-7} __CPROVER_memory_leak#1 = NULL
{-8} __CPROVER_next_thread_id#1 = 0
{-9} __CPROVER_next_thread_key!0#1 = 0
{-10} __CPROVER_pipe_count#1 = 0
{-11} __CPROVER_rounding_mode!0#1 = 0
{-12} __CPROVER_thread_id!0#1 = 0
{-13} __CPROVER_thread_key_dtors!0#1 = array_of #source_location=""(NULL)
{-14} __CPROVER_thread_keys!0#1 = array_of #source_location=""(NULL)
{-15} __CPROVER_threads_exited#1 = array_of #source_location=""(false)
{-16} main::1::x!0@1#2 = nondet_symbol #source_location="" identifier="symex::nondet0"
{-17} abs_ref::x!0@1#1 = main::1::x!0@1#2
{-18} abs_ref#return_value!0#1 = (abs_ref::x!0@1#1 ā‰„ 0 ? abs_ref::x!0@1#1 : -abs_ref::x!0@1#1)
{-19} main::1::res_ref!0@1#2 = abs_ref#return_value!0#1
{-20} abs_bit::x!0@1#1 = main::1::x!0@1#2
{-21} abs_bit::1::m!0@1#2 = ashr #source_location=""(abs_bit::x!0@1#1, 31)
{-22} abs_bit#return_value!0#1 = bitnot #source_location=""(abs_bit::1::m!0@1#2) + bitxor #source_location=""(abs_bit::1::m!0@1#2, abs_bit::x!0@1#1) + 1
{-23} main::1::res_bit!0@1#2 = abs_bit#return_value!0#1
{1} main::1::res_ref!0@1#2 = main::1::res_bit!0@1#2